Developing a Stock Metrics Indicator for TradingView

February 1, 2024 (1y ago)


In this article, I will show you how to develop an indicator for TradingView entwickeln kannst. As an example, I will use an indicator that displays the key metrics for analyzing stocks.

Stock Metrics Indicator for TradingView

Structure of the Indicator

The indicator consists of three parts. There's the actual calculation of the metrics, the display of these metrics in the chart, and we also want to give users the ability to customize the values and thresholds for the metrics individually.

The structure of the indicator is as follows:

  1. Definition of input parameters
  2. Calculation of the metrics
  3. Display of the metrics in the chart

Definition of Input Parameters

First, we define the indicator and the input parameters. The input parameters are the values that users can customize individually. In our case, these are the threshold values for the metrics.

indicator("Test Titel", shorttitle="Test", overlay=true)

// Inputs
adrLength = input(defval=20, title="ADR period")
adrThresh = input(defval=3, title="ADR Threshold") 
advLength = input(defval=21,title="ADV period")
dvolThresh = input(defval=50,title="$Vol Threshold in M")
tableOrientation = input.string(defval = "vertical", title = "Orientation of Dashboard", options = ["vertical", "horizontal"])
tablePosition = input.string(defval= position.top_right, options = [position.bottom_right, position.bottom_left, position.top_right, position.top_left])
  • adrLength defines the number of days used for calculating the Average Daily Range (ADR).
  • adrThresh is the threshold value for the ADR.
  • advLength defines the number of days used for calculating the Average Daily Volume (ADV).
  • dvolThresh is the threshold value for the ADV.
  • tableOrientation defines the orientation of the dashboard.
  • tablePosition defines the position of the dashboard in the chart.

Calculation of the Metrics

As an example, I will show you the calculation of the Average Daily Range (ADR) and the percentage change. The calculation of the other metrics is done analogously.

// Definitions - calculated values
adrValue =, 'D', ta.sma((high/low-1)[1]*100,adrLength))
changeValue =, 'D', (close/close[1]-1)*100)

Display of the Metrics in the Chart

The metrics are displayed in a dashboard. For this, we use the function. The function expects parameters for the position of the dashboard in the chart, the number of rows and columns, and the orientation of the dashboard.

// Design Variables for Table
var numberColums = 6 // standard initialization
var numberRows = 1 // standard initialization

if tableOrientation == "vertical"
    numberColums := 1
    numberRows := 6
var table t =, numberColums, numberRows, border_width = 3)
posColor = color.rgb(38, 166, 154)
negColor = color.rgb(240, 83, 80)
neutralColor =, 0)
lightTransp = 90
avgTransp = 80
heavyTransp = 69

// Fill Table with ADR
f_fillCellADRValue(_table, _column, _row, _value, _threshold = 0) =>
    _c_color = _value >= _threshold ? posColor : negColor
    _transp = _value >= _threshold ? lightTransp : heavyTransp
    _cellText = str.tostring(_value, "0.00") + "%\n" + "ADR"
    table.cell(_table, _column, _row, _cellText, bgcolor =, _transp), text_color = _c_color)

// Fill Table with Change
f_fillCellchangeValue(_table, _column, _row, _value, _threshold = 0) =>
    _c_color = _value >= _threshold ? posColor : negColor
    _transp = _value >= _threshold ? lightTransp : heavyTransp
    _cellText = str.tostring(_value, "0.00") + "%\n" + "Chg"
    table.cell(_table, _column, _row, _cellText, bgcolor =, _transp), text_color = _c_color)

if barstate.islast
    if tableOrientation == "horizontal"
        f_fillCellADRValue(t, 0, 0, adrValue, adrThresh)
        f_fillCellchangeValue(t, 1, 0, changeValue)
        f_fillCellADRValue(t, 0, 0, adrValue, adrThresh)
        f_fillCellchangeValue(t, 0, 1, changeValue)


In this article, you learned how to develop an indicator for TradingView. As an example, we developed an indicator that displays the key metrics for analyzing stocks. You can view and use the finished indicator here¹ for free.


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