The Daily Trading Coach von Brett N. Steenbarger

January 31, 2024 (1y ago)


"Your Daily Trading Coach: 101 Psychological Lessons for Successful Trading" by Brett N. Steenbarger is a guide for traders focusing on improving psychological and behavioral aspects of trading. The book is divided into 101 short lessons, each targeted at specific challenges and situations traders face. These lessons cover topics such as overcoming emotional obstacles, developing discipline and patience, enhancing decision-making, and learning from mistakes.

Steenbarger, both an experienced trader and a clinical psychologist, uses his unique perspective to convey practical strategies and techniques to readers. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and continuous learning and provides tools for self-assessment and improvement. The book is aimed at both experienced and aspiring traders and is designed to be a daily companion for personal and professional development.


With this book, you learn a variety of different tools that you can individually use in your daily trading.


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