From Competitive Sports to Trading: Felix’s Path to a Profitable Full-Time Trader

January 17, 2023 (2y ago)


Sports performance has always played a big role in my life. Even before trading, everything was about improving my performance by optimizing processes, routines, and details. These experiences and mindsets still help me in trading today. After all, trading is ultimately a sport - just on a different level.

Perhaps because the difference between sports performance and trading is not as great as one might initially think, Felix was immediately excited when he first learned about trading and the resulting opportunities. That was in 2012 and the start of his trading journey.

When Felix started trading in 2012, it was far from as easy as it is today. Valuable information was only available from the USA - the absolute leading market in terms of trading. High-quality German content - let alone complete training programs - was practically non-existent. In general, knowledge was poorly structured, and there was a lack of a basic logical structure. The consequence? Felix had to work hard, invest a lot of effort and sleepless nights to put together these countless individual puzzle pieces into a meaningful overall picture. He did it, but it took him three years. From today's perspective, it was half an eternity.

The start of WirmachenTrader

This effort, this struggle, clarified it for him that a high-quality education could have made it faster. This realization was the starting signal for WirmachenTrader. Felix wanted to revolutionize trading education. He wanted to make it more accessible to others. And he wanted to present the content in a top way, in a compact way, so that everyone has the chance to change their lives with trading. In short, he wanted to create the education he wished he had.

And that's precisely what he wanted to build - during his studies. The more time he spent on trading, the deeper he delved into the matter, the more fascinated he became. Even during his studies, it became increasingly clear to Felix that trading was more than just a hobby. It became more and more of a passion that already took up a large part of his everyday life. So, he planned to use the time during his studies to perfect his scientific work on the one hand and to make it profitable to trade on the other. Specifically, he wanted to achieve his goal of never having to apply for a job in his life. He always wanted to be his own boss, not wanting to be taught or instructed by others. If he could achieve profitable trading by the end of his studies, he would have achieved just that.

The development of the training concept was a continuous process. At the beginning of his learning process, he had the same questions and problems that every trading beginner has. This experience still helps him today when working with members of the community. Between 2017 and 2019, Felix completed his master's degree, which had a special research focus on performance psychology. At the same time, this is still Felix's unfair advantage in the market. In 2019, Felix earned his Master in Exercise Science and Coaching. This means that he not only has a master's degree, but he has specifically learned the competence of coaching. This qualifies him to teach knowledge and skills in trading more effectively than almost anyone else. With his master's thesis, he demonstrated the effectiveness of e-learning on emotional intelligence, which plays a crucial role in successful trading. The study also showed which methods are particularly effective for teaching skills online. These research results were directly incorporated into our e-learning platform, so we can say that our platform is built on a scientifically based foundation. WirmachenTrader members still benefit from this today.

One part of the secret: continuous improvement

In trading, you can only succeed in the long term if you don't rest on your laurels. It's always about being open to new developments and - if necessary - incorporating them into your trading.

He lives up to what he stands for: continuous improvement. This plays a big role in trading because trading is constantly evolving. True assumptions yesterday may no longer be valid tomorrow. It is therefore incredibly important not to rest and to stay on top of things. Whether it is on a personal, professional, or trading level, it is always important to expose yourself to new challenges and stimuli.

The fact that he does not rest on his successes is demonstrated by his search for demonstrably the best financial instrument: stocks. More specifically - US stocks - simply offer the best overall package in terms of potential, costs, and taxes. Especially compared to trading German stocks with German broker fees, trading US stocks with a US broker is much more attractive and offers so many more opportunities. Even though it took some time, it is clear that the detours via forex and futures were ultimately worth it. The search was over.

It can be said that he brought day trading with US stocks to the German-speaking region with his education and made it so popular here. Since then, many providers have followed suit and also offer education with a focus on US stocks. This is clear evidence that this approach works, and that trading with other financial products is overshadowed for the aforementioned reasons.

What the future holds

Just like in sports, at the end of the day, it's always about the result. In sports, it's usually about what's ultimately on the scoreboard. And in trading, it's crucial whether there is a plus or minus in front of a number at the broker. And that's undoubtedly what Felix and the entire team at WirmachenTrader want to be measured by in the future. He wants everyone to have a green number in front of a plus at their broker at the end of their personal trading journey. That's why the entire team invests a lot of time, effort, and hard work to guarantee their members the best possible support to achieve this goal.

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