Define goals correctly: Make 2020 your year

December 26, 2019 (6y ago)


On behalf of the entire team, I would like to wish you and your family a merry and blessed Christmas!

It's the time of year when we look back on the past few months.

What did you set out to do 365 days ago? What did you want to achieve within that time? Where are you today?

I ask myself these questions every year and, although I have achieved some goals, I also have to admit that I could have done more.

I would like to share with you a good approach to setting goals for the year. I got this from Robin Sharma's book Megaliving*, and he writes that you should set annual goals in three categories: process goals, fun goals, and financial goals.

Process goals: An example process goal for many of our students might be to follow the risk management rules in trading for three consecutive months (This goal alone will lead to better results).

🎡 Fun goals/material goals: Good performance should be rewarded. Have you achieved the process goal? Treat yourself to a weekend with your family in the location of your choice.

💶 Financial goals: These can, of course, be very individual. The important thing is that you are realistic but ambitious. For people with a €50,000 account, it is possible to have €100,000 by the end of the year. What has been your performance so far? Where do you want to be? How will compound interest affect you during the year?

This was a simple overview of how you can set goals for yourself. I recommend between 7 and 10 goals in each category. These do not have to be trading-specific goals. Learning a new language, taking on a physical challenge, or spending time with family can all go on your list.

I wish you and your family a few more restful days and a good start to the new year!

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